j'adore l'amour, i don't want to be friends
True story, I've done this same survey for SIX YEARS of my life. I remember filling it out when I was 19, thinking ... I wonder if I'll keep this up and do it when I'm 22. Well, kids, here we are. And it is informative at times, seeing how far I've been, where things have changed, etc. Still, this thing was LONG. I used to have so much less to do daily. We'll see if we return for 25!
About you: | October 29, 2003 | October 29, 2006 | November 3, 2009 |
1. Full name: | JNR | JNR.
| JNR. |
2. Named for anyone? | My great something or other was named Jessie, but I don't think I was named for her particularly | Not really. | My middle name came from the baby my mom miscarried. |
3. Where were you born? | Marco Island, FL | Naples, FL. | Naples, FL. |
4. Where do you live right now? | Galloway, OH | New York City (Manhattan). | Columbus, OH. |
5. How tall are you? | 5' 2.5" | 5'3". | 5’3”. |
6. Any siblings? How old are they? | 1 sibling...10 years old | One, she's 13. | One sister, 16. |
7. What color are your eyes? | green | Green. | Green. |
8. Your hair? | blonde | Blonde. | Blonde. |
9. What grade are you in? | 11th | 14th. | First year grad student. |
10. Some hobbies of yours? | playing clarinet, seeking out new music, procrastinating :) | Pretty much the Internet, some reading, some shopping (which is bad for me and I should stop), and music in general. | Guitar, Wii, reading, shopping, finding new music, traveling, keeping up with pop culture. |
11. What are your nicknames? | Jess, Jessie...not too many creative ones | Jess, Jessie, J.Rea, JR. | Jess, Jessie, the other Jessica. |
12. Would you ever bungee jump? | Yeah | Maybe. I'd be much more willing to sky dive, which may be weird. | Actually probably not. I mean, maybe if the opportunity presented itself. |
13. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? | Nope | No. I don't really wear shoes with shoelaces on them anymore, but the few that I do, I definitively don't untie them often. | No. |
14. Are you a night or morning person? | Night | Night. | Night, definitely. |
15. What's under your bed? | not much really | My luggage, my printer, lots of cords/plugs, and a storage drawer thing that I don't have anything to put in yet. | Actually nothing. Literally nothing but carpet. |
16. Which do you wear: boxers, briefs, boxer briefs, panties, or thong? | Whoa nelly... | The last two. | Depends on the outfit, but still only between the last two there. |
17. Ever thought seriously about committing suicide? | Nope | I don't know how seriously seriously has to be, but yeah, kind of I suppose. I've lived through a lot more than I had at sixteen, but there's always a point where it stops, where something clicks. | I mean, yes in a way. I never got to the point where I had a specific plan. But I definitely spent time thinking about it as an option. |
18. Are you ticklish? | Yes...severely in some places | Yes, quite a bit. | Yeah but not too too much. |
19. Have you ever stolen anything? | Not that I remember...maybe when I was little | Just hearts. Ohhhhh, burn. | Yeah, mostly dishware from dining halls and restaurants. |
20. If you were making a movie about yourself, who would play you? | Whoa...good question... | I have no clue. I'd probably want to play myself if I were making the movie, Zach Braff-style, directing AND starring. | Drew Barrymore, since everyone says we look alike. |
21. Do you like your handwriting? | Yep | Yeah, I definitely do. | Yes. I’d like a font made of it, if you’re taking requests. |
22. Any bad habits? | Don't we all... | Oh man, of course. I procrastinate way too much, I make excuses and justify things like crazy, I'm not very good with telephones, I have been known to bite my nails, and I'm pretty messy. For a sampling. | Certainly. The ever-present procrastination, neglecting to eat/make full meals, ignoring things that freak me out, the occasional smoking or excessive drinking, neglecting to clean … eh. |
23. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? | Yeah I guess so | Yeah, I just wouldn't expect much in some realms, mainly the calling one. | Sure. The friends I do like, I love intensely. But I can be pretty shitty at times too, I guess. It weighs out. |
24. Do you believe in God? | Yep | Yes, which is not to say that from time to time I don't doubt my beliefs, but I always keep coming back (through different paths) to a yes. | Look, I don’t think I can say definitively that God exists. But to me, there is some sort of force in the universe that is acting and planning and in all this with us. I’m not gonna name it, but that I do believe. |
25. What is your most embarrassing story? | This question is overasked...and I never have an answer for it | Um, I don't know that I embarrass terribly easy. I tend to try to laugh embarrassing things off because that's really the only good option. | I don’t really know. I can’t think of anything that is embarrassing funny instead of embarrassing unfortunate (car accidents, failing classes, etc.). |
26. What has been the best day of your life? | Getting deeper, aren't we? I don't know... | Graduation was good, almost all the days in France were good, a lot of really random just having spontaneous fun days were good ... I don't know that I could pick out just one "best." | Has to be one of the days in March, 2008 when I was traveling in Ireland … or possibly the last day in London (Abbey Road, picnic, IceBar, Cheers, walking around til 3 am) … or some day in Scotland. |
27. Do you know what sctief' is? | Um, no | No. I suspect it is nothing. | No. Do you know what homoscedasticity is? Hmm?? |
28. What comes first in your life? | I don't know...there's a lot of gray area there | That definitely depends on the situation. Sometimes myself, sometimes friends, sometimes family, sometimes school, sometimes fun ... it depends. | Family, I’d say. But also largely myself. I’m living alone, doing as I please, fully, for the first time in my life. Oddly freeing in ways. |
29. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? | Yep..I have a boyfriend | Well, yes and no. I dabble in crushes for now, how about that. | No, no, … no? I don’t know. I have a shit ton of awkward situations in my life, sure, but I don’t know that I can call any of those “crushes” and they certainly aren’t boyfriends. |
30. What are you most scared of? | Losing people I love or disappointing people | I really don't enjoy spiders, snakes, or dinosaurs. I'm also not partial to failure or losing those I love. | Not knowing what’s going on or coming up. Which is really the part of ‘death’ that frightens me. Also, leaving everything/one I know. |
31. If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them? | in the back of my head, of course :) | You know, I don't know that I'd want them, but I guess if I did, I'd put them in the back of my head for a sort of 360 vision. That wouldn't totally suck. | On my hands, Pan’s Labyrinth style. Also, then I could move those eyes all around. |
32. What do you usually think about before you go to bed? | it's a different thing every night | Everything that happened that day, what I have to do tomorrow, any unresolved issues in my mind. | What I’m going to wear tomorrow, what my plans are for tomorrow, what I have to get done /do tomorrow. |
33. Do you feel understood most of the time? | By some people...not so much by others | Umm, that's sort of a halfway thing. Some days I feel understood very well, other times not so much. | Not really. I get this increasing feeling that people perceive me an entirely different way from how I feel inside. And maybe that’s my fault, I don’t know. |
34. Who makes you laugh the most? | Danielle | Mitch Hedberg. Ha. And a lot of the people in my friend/family circle, because I tend to like people who make me laugh. =) | Friends I’ve known for a really long time … Hillary, Zach, Nalleli, my sister, Tricia. |
35. Who do you email the most? | My dad | I don't really email a lot ... I'll just talk to you or IM you. Unless you email me, then I'll probably email back. | Gmail has resurged email in my life, so … probably Nalleli. Otherwise, definitely my advisor. |
36. At what age was your first full kiss? | 16 | Still sixteen. | Sixteen. |
37. Do you hold hands in public with other people? | Yeah | Yeah, I'm not all crazy about public affection. I say as long as it's not bothering the people around you (and there is a line there), go for it, whatever. | Sure. I have no issues with that. |
38. Are you out going or isolated? | I'm not isolated unless I really dislike the people there...if by elimination that makes me outgoing, then so be it | I, as most people, am a mix of both, but I'd probably say more isolated than outgoing, as far as daily life goes (I mean, I live in NYC). It kind of depends on my mood/where I am. | I can be outgoing at times, in the right mood, but I am mostly isolated. I like to have my alone time and without it I freak out. |
39. One word to describe your mood. | At this exact moment? Um...satisfied | Content. (I have groceries/food again!) | Currently? Anxious. I’m running my first experiment today, and I want the levy to pass so badly for the kids/community. |
40. Two words to describe your desired mood(s). | I can't think of anything good enough... | Confident testing. (I worry about school nowadays. That pretty much takes up all my time.) | Accomplished, finished. I have so much I need to do and the piling is just starting to weigh on me. |
41. Do you make music on your own? | Yeah, but only instrumental and not large-scale | Yeah, but not so much anymore. If you get me around a piano, I'll make up something and then have to write it down, but lyrics are rare. | I occasionally get the guitar out and mess with it here and there. And now that I live alone, I will occasionally sing new things from time to time. |
42. Where did you grow up? | OH.....IO! :) | Galloway, OH. | Ohio was where I spent 3-18 … but I’d say my actual growing up into an adult was mostly done in NY and London. |
43. What did you want to be when you grew up? | a veterinarian | A veterinarian. | A veterinarian. |
44. Now what do you want to be when you grow up? | not sure...leaning toward secondary education | A veterinarian. (Funny how that worked.) | A social psychologist! Check out that departure, kids. God, I love psychology; I’m really glad I found it. |
45. What do you do for work now? | I'm a full-time student (and if you think that's not a job, then you're obviously not a student yourself) | I'm a student. Honestly, that's all I have time for. If I had a job, I would be doing worse than I am now. | I get paid by OSU to study exactly what I’m interested in and take classes to become better at it. It’s a pretty sweet deal. |
46. Where would you like to ideally see yourself in 3 years? | Let's see...I'll be 19...in college with a good grasp of where I'm heading | Three years .. I'll be 21 and hopefully graduating college, accepted into vet school, ready and raring to begin career life. | I’ll be 25 … wow. Well, I’d like to have my MA, be working towards my PhD (passed generals!), maybe getting close to meeting someone I can see myself marrying (I am putting that around 27/28 for some reason lately). |
47. 5 yrs: | 21...still in college, doing well, enjoying life, complete grasp of where I wish to head... | 24. Wow, um ... hopefully in the homestretch of vet school, still happy with my decision, maybe having met someone? I don't know; school is definitely the first priority. | Wow, okay! 27. I’d like to be approaching the marriage question, if it’s still something I want. Hopefully at least getting close to my doctorate. |
48. 10 yrs: | 26? Hopefully out of college with a job that I love...settled life coming into play...still happy | Wow, I'll be 29, almost 30. I see myself probably having a third-life crisis, probably freaking out. Ideally, though, I'd like to be out of vet school, a practicing veterinarian, at least getting close to the marriage/kids/settling thing. Maybe. =) | Woo buddy, off to 32. I’d like to be getting to the kids stage around then. Or the marriage stage, if that didn’t work out five years ago. You know, starting the family life now that career should be closer to settled. |
49. What do you look for in a mate? | someone who can make me laugh, make me smile, and isn't afraid to show affection | Sense of humor, intelligence, a certain care for life, and a passion or drive (for anything, just as long as it's something). | Sense of humor about life, a passion for something (anything!), caring toward family/friends/me, able to keep up a conversation, music knowledge. |
50. What do you prefer the opposite sex wear, boxers, briefs, boxer briefs, panties, or thong? | Whoa nelly...why the inquiries on underwear? | I'd just rather they not want to steal my underwear, that's good enough for me. | Whatever makes ‘em happy. |
51. Do you want to get married? | Yes | Yes. | I think so. Sometimes I am not really sure whether that’s in the cards, or whether making it ‘official’ in legal/religious terms adds anything (good) to the relationship itself, but if I really think about it … I think there is a part of me that still wants to be someone’s wife, to have a wedding, etc. |
52. Do you want children? How many? | Yeah but not too many | Yeah, either only a few (like ... two?) or a crazy lot (like eight or something). I'm not sure, it'll all depend. | Um, I’m settling at two for now. If that could be in one birth … aka twins … that would be preferable. |
53. What if you, or your mate, are incapable of having kids? Would you leave them or adopt? | Adopt. | Adopt, come on. | I don’t think I’d leave someone for just that reason, but I would be interested in exploring options for having our own children if possible. |
54. Do you like animals? Which in particular? | Yeah...Cats and dogs... | Yeah, I like animals. (No, I hate them, thus the ideal job involving animals.) Most preferably: cats, dogs, horses, bunnies, but I also have a far-away love of tigers, lions, otters, and elephants. | Sure. Otters are my fave, but I quite liked the dolphins I visited with this summer, though I hear they are kind of violent animals in their intelligence. Also, the good ol’ cats and dogs. |
55. What do you drive? Do you like it? | A Dodge Intrepid...I don't dislike it... | I drive ... oh man, I don't even know ... a grandma car. It's ... a Chrysler maybe? LHS? Something? It's old-looking and has tin foil on it (kid you not), but it is pretty much the sweetest car on the planet and I love it. It is my baby. | I drive currently a Corolla. I quite like it because it is small and I can get into any and all parking spots. But I’d still drive my grandma car of yore if it ran. L |
56. What's your dream car? | A forest green Corvette...either really old or really new ::drools:: | Well, even if I were to get my dream car, I think I'd still drive/keep my current car because I really do love it, but I love me some Corvettes. Red convertible Corvette with black interior. Ideal. | Red Corvette from the 60s era. Those curves are drool-worthy. |
57. Are you taking any meds? | Nope | Nope, except for the occasional Tylenol(when I burnt myself) or Tums (when my stomach hurts). | Not currently. I take Tylenol pretty much monthly though. And I should take my calcium vitamins. |
58. What's the worst thing you ever did? | I don't know... | I honestly don't know. Maybe if I were to sit here thinking for an hour of bad things I've done, I could give you an answer, but that honestly doesn't sound like a fun Sunday afternoon, so I'll refrain. | Oh man, that is an interesting question. I don’t spend enough mental energy thinking of negative things to go here. And I try not to regret too many things that actually happen, because what’s the use. |
59. Are you seeing a therapist? | Nope | No. | Nope. Never have actually, though I got close to going for my six free sessions. |
60. Should you be seeing a therapist? | Lol...I think I can well-adjust myself, thank you very much | Maybe, who knows. I really find it better for me to just talk with people who know me well, but I suppose a therapist could get to that point as well. Free counseling is always just around the corner at NYU, maybe someday I'll take advantage of it. | Ha, I wouldn’t deny seeing one, but I also think for someone who is as constantly reflective and ruminating as me … I’m not sure bringing in a session where I do more of that is necessarily good for me. |
61. What box or subculture do you think you belong in? | Um...I don't know | College student, but pre-med college student moreso than drunk crazy college student. | Perpetual student. |
62. Tell me something I don't already know about you, that sums you up: | Anything that "sums me up" is probably general and therefore already known... | I stick by the fact that if it summed me up, it would be too general to be already unknown. | I am complex, kids. |
63. Whats your favorite feature about the opposite sex? | Eyes | Physically? Hair. (Although I have fallen in like with two bald men recently. I find tastes disappear in the situation; it's really the person ... just liking to be around them.) | Hair. I notice hair first, but that said I do have a thing for bald men too. Hmm. |
64. Have you ever for any reason bled all over yourself? | No... | Not *all* over, but I recently messed up my heel with new shoes, then wore tennis shoes which broke open the wounds and bled all over my new shoes. =( | Don’t think so there. |
65. Do you get motion sickness? | Sometimes, but not often | Sometimes, mostly just with really spin-y, circle-y rides. | No, but I don’t do spin-y rides because I remember getting that before. |
66. Do you like thunderstorms? | Sometimes | Yeah, to a certain point. I like the moments right before a thunderstorm more. | I like rain if I get to be inside, like the sound of rain on my window/roof. And I like to watch storms from inside. |
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67. Shyest? | I don't know that any of my friends are shy...I stray away from the shy people...they make me nervous if they're all shy and detached and stuff | I don't do friends sections. | Blah. |
68. Smartest: | We're all smart in our own little ways | I don't know why I even bothered in the first place. | I |
69. Sorriest? | Ha...My friends aren't sorry...the people I dislike are sorry :) | La dee dah. | Really |
70. Wildest? | probably Danielle | Okay | Don’t |
71. Prettiest? | aww come on now...these are unfair questions that force me to, inadvertently, be mean to people | I'm | Feel |
72. Cutest girl/guy friend? | Eh...that's all I'm saying..."eh" | gonna | Comfortable |
73. Most understanding? | Danielle....whatever I say, she gets...it's awesome | be | Assessing |
74. Most honest? | I'm sick of these questions already... | done | My |
75. Weirdest? | Dude, we're all weird. And I love it. | now | Friends |
76. Your best friend? | Danielle | thanks. | In that way. |
Faves |
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77. Movie: | Must I pick? My indecisive nature doesn't allow me to pick easily...Moulin Rouge | Casablanca, but I also really love High School Musical (it's good!), Amelie, Rent, Garden State, The Hours, Lost in Translation. | Casablanca. |
78. Song: | "Crash" by DMB...I could listen to that song for the rest of my life and love it more each time | "Hallelujah" by Jeff Buckley, but my favorite song list is really long. | “Home” by Marc Broussard or “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey. |
79. Band/group: | Err...I like a lot of bands/groups...Dave Matthews Band | The Killers, The Beatles, U2, and Coldplay. | Beatles for most favorite. Jason Mraz toppity top top nowadays. |
80. Store: | Right now it's American Eagle, but that changes often | I float everywhere for clothes (if I had to pick one store, AE), and Trader Joe's is my favorite grocery store. =) Macy's at home is good for shoes. | I don’t know that I have a favorite store. Target, maybe. |
81. Relative: | Aww, to say I have a favorite relative is mean to everyone else. Everyone is my favorite in their own little ways. | I'm still not going to pick a favorite relative. Although I do have them. | Not going to pick. I more have least favorite relatives than favorite ones. |
82. Sport: | I don't have a favorite sport... | Football, for watching. | Football, tennis. |
83. Vacation spot: | Marco Island, FL | Europe, most notably France, most notably Paris. (Although really, I love seeing/experiencing new places in general.) | For me, either Scotland or Paris. But if it’s new, I’d love to see it too. |
84. Ice cream flavor: | Cookie Dough (not to be confused with Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough) | I recently had Coffee Heath (Ben & Jerry's) and man, that flavor is seriously in the running for top flavor, but I still love good ol' Cookie Dough. And anything with vanilla ice cream, fudge, and nuts in it, basically. | Coffee Heath. Seriously! If we’re bringing Jeni’s into it … Cocoa Zin, Bourbon Butter Pecan, the flavors with rose in them … |
85. Fruit: | Oranges | Bananas, though raspberries, strawberries, and mandarin oranges make strong showings. | Either bananas or berries. |
86. Candy: | Do I have a favorite candy? I'm not sure... I'm fond of gummies... | If these little koala chocolate Asian things by me count, then those. If not ... chocolate-covered nuts or gummies. | I quite like gummies still (especially European gummy bears MMM). Also Mr. Goodbar and Twix for chocolates. |
87. Car: | Corvette ::drools yet again:: | Corvette still. | Still Corvette. Man I’ve wanted that car a lot of my life. |
88. Class: | As of now? AP Euro...but Chemistry last year was so awesome it's unbelieveable... | Currently ... Biology, because we're doing Genetics. | Currently? Gosh, has to be Research Methods because it’s helpful, accessible, relative. |
89. Holiday: | Christmas...the feeling that comes with Christmas is just all warm and fuzzy... | Christmas. | New Years. I like the idea of assessing the past year, finding meaning in it, then putting it behind you in a box, with the spirit of moving onto the wide possibility in the year ahead. |
90. Day of the week: | Friday, definitely | Currently, Saturday. It's the only true weekend day (Friday = recitation and volunteering, Sunday = homework). | Friday or Saturday. Still early enough to say, oh I don’t need to work yet. |
91. Color: | Green | Green. | Green, purple. |
92. Magazines: | CosmoGirl and Discover (yep, a teen magazine and a scientific journal...heh) | I like Jane and Blender. They're good to read on planes. | Entertainment Weekly is the only one I really read. Sometimes Paste. (My last two faves are now defunct! Boo.) |
93. Name for a girl: | I don't know.. | I don't have a favorite name. I like mine fine enough, I like the name Ava ... who knows. | Emma. It’s gonna happen. |
94. Name for a boy: | I don't know...but yesterday when I saw the name "Aidan" and I thought it was a guy (turns out it wasn't), I thought that was a really hot name...just thought I'd share...oh Alexander is really cute...and Joshua...I like those | I don't know, I like more standard names like Mark and Charles/Charlie, and I also like Ethan, and Hugh, and Sam. I've named a few of the pets those names due to my fondness for them. | I have more boy options … Jacob/Jake, Lucas/Luke, Hugh, Ethan, David. |
95. Foods? | Good pizza, mashed potatoes, cheesecake | Mashed potatoes, pizza (when I have it, which is rarely), cereal, asparagus risotto, fresh-baked bread, ice cream. | Pizza, mashed potatoes, good hummus, good falafel, popcorn, kettle chips. |
96. Books? | So many to choose from...such a bad memory | The Alchemist. The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Tender is the Night, The Bell Jar, In Cold Blood, a lot of other little novels I've read here or there. | All the old favorites stand, and I’m adding To Kill A Mockingbird. |
97. Drink? | Water | Water. Hot Tea. Chocolate Soymilk. | Champagne. Ha. I drink a lot of water. |
98. Carbonic beverage: | Considering I don't drink them... | I don't do carbonated beverages. | Don’t like my drinks with bubbles. |
Non favs: Vent your frustration on everybody. |
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99. What movie made you gag? | I can't think of one.. | I didn't like Citizen Kane, but that was awhile ago. Maybe I'll try it again. | Mamma Mia. ALMOST walked out. Almost. |
100. Song that annoys the hell out of you? | Any song that's massively overplayed...OH...or Alan Jackson's "Drive"...that song should be shot | "Drive" by Alan Jackson, still, although it's a stunted dislike because I just don't listen to it anymore. I also really disliked "Gallery" by Mario Vasquez, but I've come to accept it for its cheese. | Anything that gets super replayed … lately Black Eyed Peas, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga … I solve these issues by only playing non-singles. |
101. Group/band that annoys the hell out of you? | I really should be able to think of answers to these questions... | I'm not really that discriminatory towards music ... I can find something good in almost everything. That said, last year I heard some Xiu Xiu and ... something else that I don't remember .. and I basically hated it. Random noises does not music make. | That little Justin Bieber makes me laugh because he is sooo young to be singing what he does. As far as annoyed … it’s mostly overly sappy country things that I get annoyed with. |
102. Store that you would never be caught dead in? | Um...can't think of one... | I don't know that there's a store I wouldn't go into just to see what's up. | Any of the middle school ones … Hollister, A&F, etc. |
103. What relative drives you insane until you scratch yourself bloody? | my sister | Nice girls don't name names. | Aw! I said my sister six years ago. That is hilarious because now we are really good friends. [No one, ps. There is one I really dislike, but I wouldn’t give him the thought/time of day to scratch myself bloody.] |
104. Where do you never want to go? | hell | I don't think I'd cross any place off my list before seeing it; you never know. | Depression, if that’s a place. Man, that is a hard one to get out of. Any place I couldn’t leave … caged bird and all that … I would freak out. |
105. What ice cream flavor makes you gag? | Butter pecan...anything that has "butter" flavor (besides popcorn) is just nasty | Something not traditionally sweet, like ice cream should be. Something weird like pickle or onion. That's unnatural. Otherwise, I pretty much don't hate any type of ice cream. | I don’t like butter pecan still … also wasn’t a big fan of celery … but I am way adventurous with my ice cream tastes now thanks to Jeni’s. Basically the ‘traditional’ ones are so bleh to me now. |
106. What fruit makes you choke? | I'm not all that fruit-discriminatory | I don't like tomatoes. I just don't. I keep trying them ... I just don't like them at all. I also don't like grapefruit, cranberries, honeydew, or peaches. | Grapefruit. EW. I just really really don’t like the taste. |
107. What candy do you involuntarily spit out? | Involuntarily? Okay then...Those stupid chalky Necco-wafer things...those are nasty. | Anything too chalky or tasteless. | Black licorice flavored stuff … Necco wafers still yes. |
108. What car could nobody pay you to drive? | If the stupid van was still here (it died...literally so)...ewww | I don't like those square box-y Honda Elements, is that the name? Also, I'm not partial to Hummers because they are unnecessary. Why waste that much gas? You don't look cool, seriously. | A Hummer. Ugly, tasteless, pointless. |
109. What class do you always fall asleep in? | French 0 period...mainly because it's 0 period... | Oh man, Orgo anymore just because I feel defeated by the first test. French can also reach pretty large depths of boring. | Stats. Dumb, useless, trivial, contrived. Also, very early on a Monday morning. |
110. Do you have a holiday that you don't like? | Nope | Not really...some I am indifferent to ... I don't think there's one I particularly don't like. | Well, Valentine’s Day is pretty stupid. |
111. What day of the week do you loathe? | Tuesdays. It's still early in the week, but you've already been sleep-deprived for a day, so it's starting to catch up with you and you realize you still have 4 days left. | Wednesdays and Mondays are pretty crappy this year. Fridays suck because they are test days. Thursdays suck because they are pre-test nights. | Wednesdays currently. Longest/hardest day. |
112. What color makes you stick your tongue out and say bleweh? | Yellow-green pus color. That's just gross. | Sickly colors, like the worst kinds of green-y yellows. | I really don’t like yellow. |
113. What magazine can you not read cause you can't make sense of it? | Spin magazine...I tried to read it (allowing the fact that this was a few years ago) and I just put it down... | Anything too teen-y just gets on my nerves anymore. You can practically write it yourself. | Cosmo just makes me laugh nowadays. |
114. What food don't you like? | "Taco" pizza, shiny roast beef, hot dogs... | Meat, mushrooms, lots more but those two are biggies. | Mushrooms, artichokes, raw tomatoes, raisins. |
115. What drink makes you spit it out involuntarily? | Dude, what's up with the involuntarily? Pop is just ... not my cupt of tea. But the tea that's not-sweetened...that schtuff is gross. | I don't drink soda (haven't for over three years), so that would probably taste odd to me. I don't drink milk anymore, so ditto for that. My drink menu is pretty short anyway, so I can't really think of something I drink that I dislike. | Soda. Too syrup-y. |
116. What carbonic beverage can you not handle? | Pop in general | See above. | Pretty much all. |
In the past 24 hrs have you: |
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117. Had a serious talk? | Not really | Not really. | No… |
118. Hugged someone? | Yep | Yes. Shirley got me the koala chocolate things from Chinatown. =) | No. I’ve found that I have a lot less body contact now that I hardly ever see my hardcore friends. |
119. Fought with a friend? | Nope | No. Maybe passively angry, but no fights. | No. But I was sort of angry with something someone did. |
120. Cried? | No | No. | Nope, but the wind did make me shed a tear today. |
121. Laughed? | Of course | Yes, of course. | Yeah. |
122. Made someone laugh? | Yeah | Yes. | I think so. |
123. Bought something? | Lunch @ school | Yes, I went grocery shopping today. | Yesterday I bought an egg salad sandwich + coffee for lunch. And paid $7 for parking. |
124. Cut your hair? | no | No. | Nope. |
125. Felt stupid? | yes | Probably. | Yeah, I’m trying to get over that as a first year. |
126. Talked to someone you love? | Yeah | Yes. | Yes. |
127. Missed someone? | Yeah | Yes. | Yeeeeah. Yesterday I had a really shitty long day and I just needed to be with one of my hardcore friends and no one was here/available. |
Have you ever... |
| |
128. Eaten an entire box of oreos yourself? | Since when do Oreos come in a box? And, no, I haven't eaten an entire packageof Oreos. | I have since seen Oreos in boxes -- at the deli -- though they mainly come in packages, and ... I might have eaten an entire one by myself, but certainly not in one sitting. | Probably, but not at one time. Actually, I don’t think I have ever gotten through a box/package without someone else having at least one. |
129. Hiked a mountain? | no | Well, I've hiked very large hilly areas, and been up mountains on horseback, but I don't think I've technically hiked a mountain. | I don’t know about that. |
130. Stayed home on Saturday night just cause? | Yep | Oh yeah, see last night. Watching everyone else all dressed up and intoxicated was much more fun anyway. That and our ghetto food. | Oh yeeeah I do that a lot. I like to party sometimes yes, but if I don’t have my necessary alone time to veg, I get … testy. |
131. Been in love? | No | Yes, but not in all the ways I'd still like to think exist. | …Yes. And it was quite definitely the best and worst of times. |
132. Seen the White House? | not in person | No, though I've flown over it. | YES! I like when the answers change. J Also, shook the President’s hand, yes I did. |
133. Seen the Eiffel tower? | Not in person | Yes. =) Been up in/on top of it as well. | Yep! Twice now. |
134. Tried smoking? | no | Nope, not anything, not even once. | Ha yeah. A couple of things. Smoking is not good for you, granted, but I don’t know why it’s all stigmatized as much as I apparently had stigmatized it. I keep it to a minimum. |
135. Drank alcohol? | yes | Yes. | Yep. |
136. Seen Titanic? | yes. | Yes, but not recently. | Yeah, watched parts of it on TV. |
137. Wore the shirt that said "It's a boat. It sunk. Get over it."? | No... | No. Maybe that was big in the 90s? | Nope. I did have a Titantic nightshirt, though, that I loved. |
138. Tried a weight loss program? | no | Not an *official* program or anything. | No. |
139. Jumped on a trampoline? | yes, trampolines are awesome. | Yes, there's one in my backyard at home. | Yep! Recently, too. It was fun, but tiring. |
140. Hated yourself? | no | Probably, at least in some way. | Hated parts of myself or things I did, sure. |
Day dream beliefs if money were no object: |
| |
141. Where would you live? | In Marco...in one of those ridiculously large houses that are awesome. With another house in Paris, and Ireland, and Ohio... | I really like New York City, I do, and I think it's really good for where I am in my life right now, but a large part of me feels Paris would be utterly amazing to live in. | I’d live in New York (West Village, probs), but I’d have apartments in Paris, London, Dublin, Belfast, and Edinburgh. |
142. What would you pursue more education in? | Everything | I'm already pursuing education in the things I want to study. Maybe I'd pursue more in those directions (science, language, French) if only to get better. | Languages, I think. Or maybe go back to NYU and make my minors into majors. |
143. What kind of transportation would you use? | A Corvette (I think my liking of that car has been established) | Ha, a jet airplane or something. I don't know. I get around fine on my own two feet for the most part. | I would buy a Corvette, definitely, but for the most part I’d probably want a driver…like a consistently free cab. |
If a time machine were available to you: |
| |
144. What time would you like to live in? | Whew...haven't experienced all the times, so couldn't tell you | I think now is an interesting yet scary time to live in. I think it challenges me and my sense of humanity every day, which is ultimately good for me. I'd like to experience a lot of different times, though. | I’m okay with living where I am now … but maybe the 60s/70s would be interesting to try out. A little psychedelic fun, get to see the Beatles, etc. |
145. What specific event would you like to witness? | Not sure.. | That's a difficult one. Maybe the "I have a dream" speech, maybe the Beatles playing the US for the first time, maybe some liberations ... it's hard to say. | I stick by seeing The Beatles in Shea Stadium … but maybe also I’d like to be at Hyde Park in Chicago when Barack Obama made his president acceptance speech. |
146. What historical figure would you most want to meet? | Not sure... | I've thought about this for awhile and honestly there are too many options. I simply can't decide. | Alexander Hamilton. Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Abraham Lincoln. Barack Obama. |
If you had unlimited time: |
| |
147. What language(s) would you master? | French, Spanish, English (ha), Latin, Italian, German...anything I could...language are awesome | I would master quite a few. Spanish, maybe German (though probably not), Irish, some Asian language (how about Chinese?), Arabic, Russian, Greek, just about anything I could get my hands on. | Oh man, I’d master a new one yearly, if I had the time. Irish would be first, then Spanish, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, something tonal … |
148. What activity/sport/hobby would you take up? | A lot... | Piano classically, definitely. | I would make slideshows like whoa. I LOVE doing that, but it takes up hours and hours of my life. Also, dancing. |
149. What would you do to better the world at large? | Don't know... | Try to do/help more. | Volunteer? Donate to charities? Try to do some research that finds results that can help people? (Already doing that one.) |
150. Whats your family heritage? | Irish, Irish, and more Irish :) | Irish. | Irish, though I’m increasingly thinking we could easily have been Scottish Protestants that were given land in Northern Ireland … just a hunch, really. |
151. Whats your top 3 best qualities? | I don't like talking about myself for all to see... | Oh man, I'm never good at these questions. I've put little bits of answers | Hmm … I know what I’m passionate about and I’m unafraid of that … If I care about you, I will do near anything for you … and I am blessed with experiences that have given me a unique perspective in life. |
152. Whats your top 3 biggest flaws? | procrastination is definitely on there | to these questions in the answers above and below. Find those hints instead. | Oooh … well, I tend to avoid things I don’t want to deal with (which doesn’t make them go away, ps) … I can be quite selfish … and I am readily willing to lie/manipulate to get what I want, even people I really adore. |
153. What is your biggest issue? | heh | Right now, it's grades. | Probably the thinking if I avoid something long enough, it’ll go away or get better. It just gets worse!! |
Which Do You Prefer? |
| |
154. Chicken nuggets or chicken fingers? | Nuggets. | Neither. I don't eat chicken. | I don’t eat real chicken, but as far as the fake stuff … I like nuggets. |
155. Dogs or cats? | Must I choose? Dogs. | Dogs. | Dogs, though I do like both. |
156. Rugrats or Doug? | Doug. Rugrats is so overrated. Honestly, you're watching the life of babies for goodness sake. | Doug. | Doug. I really didn’t like Rugrats that much when I was younger. Doug is pretty introspective, which is pretty me. |
157. Monica or Brandy: | Brandy | Brandy. | Brandy, still. |
158. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: | Eww. I'm not fond of tea unless it's made by my Grandma...ask her which kind she uses and I prefer it. | I pretty much drink all tea, though I'd prefer hot over iced usually. | Don’t think I have an issue either way … sadly, though, you can’t ask my Grandma anymore because she died two weeks ago. Granted, I think she used Lipton, but I don’t know. |
159. One pillow or two: | One | One. | One. I really don’t get the multiple pillows thing usually. |
160. chocolate or vanilla: | Depends.. | Vanilla usually. | Vanilla cake … chocolate pudding … vanilla icing … vanilla ice cream. So I guess vanilla, mostly. |
161. Hot chocolate or hot cocoa: | Hot chocolate | Hot cocoa sounds richer, but I always say hot chocolate. Is there a true difference? | Cocoa. I still don’t think there’s a difference … cocoa just sounds more posh. |
162. cappucino or coffee: | Cappucino | Cappuccino, though straight espresso over either, and I really only have that with dessert anymore. | Coffee. More caffeine! Although I do love a good cappuccino when flying early in the morning. It’s the perfect mix of WHOA and hello. |
163. Drinks with or without ice cubes: | without | Without. | With! I like ice, man. Idk why I didn’t before. I actually kind of love ice now. Weird! |
Best of the Best: |
| |
164. Best eye color? | green | Green? | Green, but I mean, anything really. |
165. Best hair color? | I don't know that there is a best... | I like them all. | I tend to go for blondes in real life (like, dating), but lust most over brown hair (like, celebrities). |
166. Best height? | Average is good | Average-ish? | Well, I like tall boys. Like, a foot taller than me, ha. |
167. Best first date location? | Don't know... | Somewhere cute, but not presumptuous. | I’m good with a simple coffee or lunch date. |
168. Best first kiss location? | There isn't a best...mine was darn good. I think the circumstances just matter...not necessarily the location. | Anywhere it happens, as long as the circumstances behind it are cute. | I still think it’s the moment more than the location that makes it. I like the idea now of outside an apartment door, though. |
169. What do you wear to bed? | Pajamas | Pajama pants and a T-shirt as of now. It depends. | Well, I live alone now, so quite sometimes I wear nothing to bed. Lovely! But it has been cold lately and I have to go with this long, red, slinky, warm thing I have. |
170. When's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal? | Can't remember...awhile ago when I was feeling really crappy, I'm sure. | Oh, I don't know. Hugh is on my bed every evening. | I don’t know … Hugh resides in the “bedroom”, but I sleep in the “second room” for now, so … awhile ago. |
171. How many rings until you answer the phone? | 2 or 3 | Ha ... we don't do rings anymore, just ringers. And, I probably am more likely to just not answer it at all and wait for you to leave a voicemail. | I don’t have rings, kids. Mostly, I’ll answer it whenever I get to it … unless I don’t know the caller or don’t want to talk, which means I won’t answer at all. |
172. How many places (that includes cardboard boxes) have you lived in? | 3 | Seven...? | Oh wow. Let’s list … Florida, WCH, apt near Wilson, apt now in ghetto, Hardwood Drive, Oyster Bay, 10th Street, Union Square, Chinatown, Water Street, London OH, London UK/Nido, Cbus. That’s … 13. Yikes. I move a lot. (I kind of secretly like to. I get antsy in one place for too long.) |
173. How many schools have you gone to? | a lot...5 | Seven again, I think. | Well, if it was 7 three years ago … it’s only 8 now. |
174. What color is your bedroom carpet? | beige | At home, it's beige. Here, I don't have carpet, but I do have a light blue rug. | Beige/tan still, hey! New place, though. |
175. Would you shave your head for $5000 dollars? | hm...$5000? | Um, probably not. I really like my hair, and $5000 wouldn't make much of a dent in the things I need to pay. | Hmm … I actually may do that. But I really like my hair … but it’d grow back … and that’d be doubling my savings … hmm. |
176. *Gasp* The deserted island question! If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take 4 things with you what would you take? | some music (and a way to play it), some books, some pictures, and another person :) | Four, not three. Um, let's see ... my iPod (ideally infinitely charged), my digital camera (ditto), a notepad/pencil, and either some sort of food or a way to get off at any moment, depending on how serious we are to play this game. | I’m not doing the practical things. Otherwise … iPod, journal, The Alchemist, and a couch. I really, really like my couch. |
Either or: |
| |
177. Music/TV: | music | Music. | Music, most definitely. Though I love TV, I live through music. |
178. Guys/Girls: | That depends on the person... | Girls. | Girls. |
179. Green/Blue: | green | Green. | Green. |
180. Pink/Purple: | pink | Purple. | Purple. |
181. Sleep/Stay Up: | stay up | Sleep. | Sleep. |
182. Summer/Winter: | winter | Summer. | Summer! |
183. Spring/Fall: | fall | Fall. | Fall. |
184. Night/Day: | day | Day. | Night! Omg, how did I say day. |
185. Cold/Warm: | warm | Warm. | If this were cold/hot, I pick cold. But since it’s cold/warm, I pick warm. |
186. Friends/Lovers: | both :) | Friends. | Lovers. More mercurial and likely to suck eventually, but I like a little drama. |
187. Dark/Light: | light | Dark. | Light. Always in the light. |
188. Sparkle/Shine: | shine | Sparkle. | Shine. |
189. Peach/Plum: | neither | Plum, for color only. | Plum … I hate peaches. |
190. Apple/Orange: | orange | Orange. | Orange. Juicy! |
191. Laundry/dishes: | dishes | Dishes. | Laundry, definitely! It’s so easy! Put it in, leave it. Come ON. |
192. Rock/Rap: | rock | Rock. | Rock. |
193. Give or receive: | give | Give. | Receive, ha. I’m comfortable in my selfishness now. |
What first comes to mind when you see the following words: |
| |
194. Glass: | mirror | Broken. | ..of water. |
195. Shake: | rattle and roll | it up. | Rattle, and roll. |
196. Club: | golf | S Club 7, ha. | -bing. |
197. Sing: | choir | out loud. | , sing, sing. (Benny Goodman!) |
198. Loud: | soft | noises. | Quiet. |
199. Garcia: | Gael | Gael. | Gael. |
200. Hair: | spray | Blonde. | Spray. (The musical.) |
201. Money: | green | hungry. | Vs Love. |
202. Work: | hard | lots of it. | Boo. |
203. Play: | fun | time to __. | All day. |
204. 4002: | in a long time... | Similar to the number of this question? | Eerily close to this question’s #. |
205. Betty: | my mom | My mom. | My mom. |
206. Sara: | Evans | Evans. | Evans. |
207. Brain: | neurology | Neurology. | fMRI. |
208. Frank: | the guy my dad used to work with...I think... | Sinatra. | Dad’s boss. |
209. AM: | PM | to PM. | Eeeeearly. |
210. FM: | AM | radio. | Radio is repetitive. |
211. Morning: | noon | Noon and night. | Sunrise. |
212. Ball: | volley | Game. | Cyberball paradigm. Wow, that’s my life now. |
Random stuff |
| |
213. Crunchy or smooth peanut butter? | smooth | Crunchy. | Crunchy! The crunchier the better. |
214. When you drive, and somebody's behind you, do you speed up for them, intentionally slow down to annoy them, or just keep the same speed? | speed up unless it's above the speed limit :) | Speed up until at 5 mph over speed limit, then stay at a constant velocity. Oh physics. | I generally speed up for them … but I won’t go over the speed I’m comfortable with until they’re in front of me. I have intricate speeding rules. |
215. Do you regurlarly get booted from the internet? | no | No. | Nope … I pay for my own sweet Internet now. |
216. Whats the reason for it? | see above | I don't have AOL. | Oh, did that already. |
217. What kind of pencils do you write with? | mechanical .07 lead | Mechanical, .7 lead. | Mechanical, .07 lead still. .05 is too small! |
218. Are you forgiving, easy to please, and the kind of friend everybody wants, or do you hold grudges, and walk over other people? | I hold grudges, but I don't walk all over people. I don't forgive that easily... | Let's see ... I don't think I'm a bad friend, though I do hold grudges and am often difficult to please. | I’d say I’m both of those people. I can be forgiving and I don’t think I’m a bad friend … but I definitely hold grudges (which I usually let go eventually) and I can be pretty manipulative. |
219. Whats your middle name? | Nicole | Nicole. | Nicole. |
220. How many close friends do you have? | not too many | A few. Enough. | Not too many … Somewhere between 2 and 5. |
221. Do you wish on stars? | yep | Yes, but only if it's the first one I've seen that night or it's a shooting star. | Yeah, man. I watched a meteor shower this summer and wished on like, 50. |
222. Which finger is your favorite? | my ring finger | My right ring finger. It has the sweetest fingerprint. | Ring finger. |
223. Who do you go to for girl/guy advice? | Danielle | Friends, my mom. | Hillary, Jenny, Tricia, Nalleli, Shirley, mom. |
224. Who knows all your secrets? | no one knows all, but Danielle knows 99% of them | No one knows them *all*, I don't think, but there are quite a few people who know most of them. | I have a lot of secrets nowadays that people don’t know. That’s what happens when you live longer … more things happen to you. I’d say Hillary knows the most, with Zach being a close second. |
225. How many people have been there for you 110% all the way? | Danielle...some people in my family | Most of the people I keep as friends and most of my family has done this, as it should be. | Most of the people I keep as friends are this legit. |
226. Name them if you feel comfortable: | oh wait..I already did that... | Ehhh, names are so overrated. | Their names mostly appear above. |
227. Best compliment you've gotten today: | "That shirt makes you look prettier than usual...which I didn't think was possible." Aww... | That my hair looked nice. | Oh, last question! Did I get any compliments today? I actually don’t think I did. |
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