Jessica Does Surveys

Friday, February 06, 2009

you only wanted me the way you wanted me

My current life in 90 questions

Take this survey

1. What was the highlight of your week?
Getting accepted to a program. Woo!

2. Whose car were you in last?
The taxi of some nice Polish man.

3. When is the next time you will kiss someone?
Ha, good question.

4. What color shirt are you wearing?
Red. And black, of course.

5. How long is your hair?

6. Are you good looking?
Ha I have my moments.

7. Last movie you watched?
In Bruges.

8. Who were you with?

9. Last thing you ate?
Two eggs.

10. Last thing you drank?

11. When was the last time you had your heart broken?
It's kind of a consistent possible break at this point.

12. Who came over last?
No one.

13. Are you happy right now?
I'm in this weird place right now.

14. What did you say last?

15. Where is your phone?
Right next to me.

16. What color are your eyes?

17. Are you left-handed?

18. Spell your name without vowels:

19. Do you have any pets?
Yes, sorta.

20. Favorite Vacation?
Spring Break 08.

21. What do you dislike currently?
How I can't just sort of be happy.

22. What are you listening to?
Rachael Yamagata's "Worn Me Down."

23. If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
Contentment. Answers. Confessions.

24. What is your favorite scent?
Can't pick one.

25. Who makes you happiest?
Good times with people I love being with.

26. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Irish homework.

27. When is your birthday?
7 15.

28. Who has the same phone as you?
Not too many people anymore.

29. Last time you went swimming in a pool?
This summer ... it was like a return to normalcy and a love I'd forgotten. Lovely, all around.

30. Do you read your horoscope?
Not really. If it's there, I read it.

31. Where was the last place you bought something?
Lunch at Hummus Place today.

32. How do you feel about your hair right now?
It looked quite nice today.

33. Do you bite your nails?
Yesss, esp. if I have something due.

34. Do you have any expensive jewelery?

35. Do you have any expensive jewelery?
Still yes.

36. Myspace or facebook?

37. How fast have you driven a car?

38. Have you ever smoked?

39. What was or is your favorite subject in school?
Psych. Of the 'basics' ... English? Idk man, I can't even think in those terms anymore.

40. Do you have Verizon?
Yes. I'm 'in.'

41. What type of boy or girl do you usually fall for?
Unavailable ones. Or emotionally stunted ones. Or weird ones. Or all three. GAH.

42. Do you have any hidden talents?
Not particularly. Some people don't know of all my talents, but I don't think I've hidden any.

43. Favorite Song?
Different day, different answer. I really love "God Only Knows" by the Beach Boys.

44. Do you like to sing at all?
Yes, quite a bit. But not in any serious, fame-seeking way.

45. Dream Job?
Hopefully what I'm going to do now. Or just get paid to do whatever I want to do that day.

46. Where does most of your family live?

47. Are you an only child or do you have siblings?
One sibling.

48. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
A fair bit, yeah. But I don't think it's made me a bad person.

49. What was the first thing you thought when you woke up?
Just get up and get in the shower so you don't miss the bus again.

50. Do you drink?

51. Know any other languages?
French for a fair bit, and I'm learning another currently.

52. Ever write a coded message?
No...? I write backwards on occasion?

53. Have you ever been IN a wedding?
Yes. I love weddings, actch.

54. Do you have any children?

55. Did you take a nap today?
No, but I thought about it.

56. Who has the same birthday as you?
Rembrandt. The painter, not the toothpaste.

57. Ever met anyone famous before?

58. Do you want to be famous one day?
Noooo. No no no, no thank you. I'd like to be respected and perhaps known for my work, but *not* f

59. Any Pet Peeves?
amous. // Lots of things, natch.

60. Are you multitasking right now?
Not partic. I should just go to bed, but I know I'll sleep late-ish no matter what time I go to bed

61. Do you like Britany Spears?
Britney is a okay with me.

62. What is your least favorite chore?
Probably dishes.

63. Last place you drove your car?
Uh, at home.

64. Ever been out of the country?
Yes, lived out of the country as a matter of fact.

65. Where were you born?

66. Could you handle being in the military?
Probably not.

67. What is your average cell phone bill?
I don't pay it ...

68. Who are you thinking about right now?
How I'm probs just gonna suck it up and go to bed. And mabes the funk will be over tomorrow.

69. When was the last time you laughed REALLY hard?

70. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Oh, a fair bit. Like, 20 ish. It'd be more if Jen didn't steal them and I had room to pack them pl

71. Are your toes always painted?
aces. And more $$. // Nooo. But I do enjoy them being painted.

72. How many piercings do you have?
Six holes in total.

73. What are you doing today?
Groceries, hopefully guitar and general work/homework.

74. Have you ever been gambling?
No. I don't think it's my thing.

75. When is the last time you updated your page?
Oh, on myspace? God. ...I haven't even logged in this year, I don't think.

76. Do you like rollercoasters?
Yes! I was just saying yetserday how I wanted to ride a rollercoaster.

77. Have you ever been to disneyland or world?

78. Do you have a favorite cartoon character?
Not partic. If I did, it'd be something from a Disney movie.

79. Last thing you cooked?
I made two eggs over medium this evening.

80. How's the weather?
Coooold and blustery like hell.

81. Do you e-mail?
Yes? Are there people who don't?

82. What's the stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone?
I've been pretty fortunate with phones. :knock: Stupidest is probs just drop it on the street.

83. Last time you were sick?
A long time ago, thankfully. Beginning-ish of this school year?

84. What states have you lived in?

85. Do you wish you could move?
Uh ... I'm starting to wish I could stay. I'm having anxieties about settling. Esp. where I've alr

86. Do you take all the quizzes?
eady settled. // Keep your embedded ads away from me.

87. What is your dream car?
Corvette ... 60s era ... red.

88. Have you ever wanted someone you cant have?
It seems to me those are the only people I want generally. Sigh. Add the grad student, I think.

89. If you could be anywhere right now where would it be?
Well currently I'm tyring to soak up here. But I wouldn't turn down being back in the UK.

90. Are you happy with your life?
Yes. By all accounts, I should be ecstatic, but I'm mostly eh-scared at this point, due to ... idk.


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