better to be hated than love love loved for what you're not
My current life in 90 questions

Take this survey
1. What was the highlight of your week?
That would be my birthday. Fam singing Happy Bday to me in Jeni's.
2. Whose car were you in last?
My mom's.
3. When is the next time you will kiss someone?
Goooood question. Nowhere in the near future unless I'm dumb or situations change.
4. What color shirt are you wearing?
Green tank, yellow sleeved over thing.
5. How long is your hair?
Pretty long. I'm thinking I'm going to cut cut it soon. Crazy. Just feels like the right time.
6. Are you good looking?
Ridiculously good-looking? I can hot it up, sure.
7. Last movie you watched?
8. Who were you with?
Tricia and thousands of my closest friends.
9. Last thing you ate?
Fried (rosemary + garlic) broccoli.
10. Last thing you drank?
11. When was the last time you had your heart broken?
Uh, too recently, man. It's kind of been a long-term thing that sort of came to a head a few weeks a
12. Who came over last?
go. // To this house?? Hillary, I think.
13. Are you happy right now?
I'm all right.
14. What did you say last?
I was singing "Sunday Afternoon."
15. Where is your phone?
Good question, ha. I never keep track of that thing.
16. What color are your eyes?
Green. Though sometimes they trend more hazel/golden than other times.
17. Are you left-handed?
Nope, though Tommy P. recently thought I was due to my drinking with my left hand.
18. Spell your name without vowels:
Jssc. Cute. And now I'm thinking I've done this a long time ago because that answer was already he
19. Do you have any pets?
re. Hmm. // Sort of, but actually not really. And Idk if I can afford one now.
20. Favorite Vacation?
Spring Break 2008 ... Italy, Ireland. OR Scotland.
21. What do you dislike currently?
Every boy situation in my life. That my room is messy because I have nowhere to put things. General
22. What are you listening to?
future stress (moving, grad). // "Save You" by Kelly Clarkson.
23. If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
Oh, money, no doubt. Otherwise...a relationship. God that's so fucking cliche and pitiful. Evs.
24. What is your favorite scent?
Scents that remind me of things from the past. I have a wide range of smell ... I like quite a few.
25. Who makes you happiest?
Oh anymore, it's not one single person but the fact that I have multiple to count on when I need it.
26. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Probably on my bed with my laptop, getting ready to Wii.
27. When is your birthday?
The fifteenth of July. Recently passed.
28. Who has the same phone as you?
Oh man, the random-est of people. Usually gay men, I've found. Another thing to love about them.
29. Last time you went swimming in a pool?
Last summer, end of it. God that was so nice. I really love having pools to myself.
30. Do you read your horoscope?
Sometimes. I certainly don't make a habit out of it.
31. Where was the last place you bought something?
KMart...ick. Arizona Iced Tea for $1, though, so don't hate.
32. How do you feel about your hair right now?
It's so dirty, man. We're on the fifth day. But it's up and semi-cute.
33. Do you bite your nails?
Hellz yeah. They annoy the shit out of me when long. Harder to type/play guitar.
34. Do you have any expensive jewelery?
Yeah, recently I've acquired some very expensive jewelry that I almost wish I just had the cash inst
35. Do you have any expensive jewelery?
ead. Wow I'm poor. //
36. Myspace or facebook?
Uh ... wow, neither? Fbook, I GUESS, but I like the music on Myspace.
37. How fast have you driven a car?
I know I've reached 90 ...
38. Have you ever smoked?
Yep. Enjoyable on a sparse basis. Short, rare bursts of smoking a lot work for me, ha.
39. What was or is your favorite subject in school?
Psych has been it for me. Otherwise ... I liked math because I was good at it and it was sensical.
40. Do you have Verizon?
Yep, ha. Who doesn't. (iPhone users, I suppose.)
41. What type of boy or girl do you usually fall for?
Unavailable ones. (Damn I answered the same last time, ha.) I like those who have a spirit of life t
42. Do you have any hidden talents?
o them, who are funny, engaging, sweet, and not too ordinary. // I don't think so...most of mine are
43. Favorite Song?
'out' at this point. // Could be Hallelujah Jeff Buckley, Home Marc Broussard, or Don't Stop Believi
44. Do you like to sing at all?
ng Journey. // Yeah, I do.
45. Dream Job?
I'm gunning for it right now, thankfully. If it allowed me to travel even more, that'd be sweet.
46. Where does most of your family live?
In Ohio, mostly.
47. Are you an only child or do you have siblings?
Siblings, one sister.
48. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
I mean, I think I was when I was younger. Not so much now because I kind of have my own life.
49. What was the first thing you thought when you woke up?
Today? I was jolted by visions of where the lost keys may have been. But I was wrong.
50. Do you drink?
Hellz yeah, kids. I really do quite like alcohol.
51. Know any other languages?
French decently...I could probably survive with my Italian, Spanish, Irish Gaelic...
52. Ever write a coded message?
Oh I'm sure I have, back in middle school and such. I'm a coded person..cautious.
53. Have you ever been IN a wedding?
Yes, several. The last one I went to though, I was just an attendee.
54. Do you have any children?
Nope nope nope.
55. Did you take a nap today?
Yeah, actually. I hardly ever nap, but my body was like whoa 3 hours sleep for no reason? NO THANK
56. Who has the same birthday as you?
YOU. // Rembrandt, Brian Austin Green, my ex-bf.
57. Ever met anyone famous before?
Yeah. NY is good for that.
58. Do you want to be famous one day?
No, I have no desire for fame. Riches, sure. Fame, absolutely not.
59. Any Pet Peeves?
Getting the mat outside of the shower soaked. Come on!
60. Are you multitasking right now?
Nope. I should be working but I'm secretly waiting to watch TB.
61. Do you like Britany Spears?
Sure. I think she has issues like the rest of us, compounded by the life she has led, but I have no
62. What is your least favorite chore?
reason to dislike her. // Dishes? Vacuuming (I only do it in heels usually)?
63. Last place you drove your car?
I think that was probably to Tricia's house on Tuesday night pre-midnight HP6 (well and then back ho
64. Ever been out of the country?
me). // Yeah, a lot actually. Not enough lately. Been over a year. Saaaad face.
65. Where were you born?
66. Could you handle being in the military?
Probably not ... that sort of brainwashed community one-goal/need thing is weird for me.
67. What is your average cell phone bill?
I wouldn't know since I don't pay for it ...
68. Who are you thinking about right now?
Oh, always that one boy. I got rid of it for a little bit, but it always always comes back. Argh.
69. When was the last time you laughed REALLY hard?
Hm, I don't know, but I'm lucky enough to laugh a lot in my life.
70. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Ooh, if I were to guess ... 20? I'd have more if I didn't make myself not buy half of what I want.
71. Are your toes always painted?
Not always, no. They are sort of remainder-from-May painted right now.
72. How many piercings do you have?
Six holes total in my ears.
73. What are you doing today?
The day is almost over, man. Working, watching TB, Wii-ing.
74. Have you ever been gambling?
Nope. I don't really think I'd be into it. Too much risk.
75. When is the last time you updated your page?
Ha, I don't update things like ... ever.
76. Do you like rollercoasters?
Yes, quite a bit.
77. Have you ever been to disneyland or world?
World, yes. Land, no.
78. Do you have a favorite cartoon character?
Not really.
79. Last thing you cooked?
Fried broccoli. This morning I made huevos rancheros. Twas a good cooking day.
80. How's the weather?
Oh I actually wouldn't know. Haven't been outside since my sleepy stupor at 10 am. I think it's un
81. Do you e-mail?
seasonably chilly recently, but I like that. // Yes...? Who *doesn't* email at this point?
82. What's the stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone?
I've been pretty lucky with my phones. Never dropped it in coffee or down a toilet, like my friends
83. Last time you were sick?
Luckily awhile ago. Sometime during last semester. I always get sick during school ... stress/livi
84. What states have you lived in?
ng with a ton of other people. // Ohio, New York, and briefly Florida.
85. Do you wish you could move?
Not really I guess. I like C-bus, but I also sort of wish I got something new again.
86. Do you take all the quizzes?
F this spam shiz.
87. What is your dream car?
Corvette, most definitely. The new ones are looking hooot, but I still like the 60s/70s ones.
88. Have you ever wanted someone you cant have?
Ha, that is the story of my life, dear personified survey. I only want those I can't have, it seems
89. If you could be anywhere right now where would it be?
...because I always don't like the ones who come too easily. // Probably back in London, sitting in
90. Are you happy with your life?
the square by Birkbeck. // Yeah, I've gotten to do some very very cool things. I hope more is in store.
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