Summer. Ending. Wow.
......::::::::::: SUMMER SURVEY ::::::::::.....
*my favorite part of summer is: The laziness and relaxed-ness of it all -- the free time to do what you want and be who you are.
*i like sleeping in in the summertime: Uh, yes. I very much so like sleeping a lot in the summertime ... it's something I enjoy that I don't get to do a lot of during the year, so being able to not ever feel tired or crabby is entirely ideal. Although occasionally I feel like I'm wasting away my time, so I scale back the sleeping a bit.
*i live on ice cream & popsicles in the summer: Not too much. Ice cream, maybe somewhat. Popsicles ... have I even had any? I'm thinking no.
*my favorite part of summer is getting a tan: No, I'm a pale, pale girl, and I like it that way.
*i am CRAZY in the summer: Yes, to an extent. I have no responsibilities in the summer, so I'm about as crazy as I'm gonna get.
*i visited another state this summer: Yep, went to NY for summer orientation.
*i visited another country this summer: Nope, although if someone had offered, I'd probably have jumped at the chance. Plus, if I had my way, I'd have been in France the whole time. No kidding.
*i saw someone i normally don't see in the summer today: Not really ... just family members and Hillary.
.....:::::::::RANDOM SURVEY::::::::::......
B O L D all that apply:
I sleep on the right side of the bed
I sleep on the left side of the bed
cheese is my favorite part of the pizza
the crust is my favorite part of the pizza
my sibling snores
i take a shower in the morning
i take a shower at night
my dog drools
my cat has hairballs often
I eat cereal for breakfast
I love school
I hate school
I usually get a good night sleep
I go to bed as late as i can
My friends are the best ever
I love my room
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are my life
what I'd call the best day ever is going fishing with my grandpa
all of my relatives are looney
I don't understand normal people
I wish I could fly
I live on the computer
I read in all my spare time
Harry Potter books rule!
my sibling has mental problems
I love to play in the mud
My room: the messier the better
My room: the cleaner the better
I hate tacos cuz they're messy.
I wore these underwear yesterday.
I have pet a sting ray.
My dog has fleas.
My best friend laughs obnoxiously.
........:::::::::RANDOM SURVEY::::::::.....
*three things that best describes me: My Ipod, my laptop, and my room. If you have those three things to explore, you could probably get a 99% accurate reflection of me.
*the best thing in my life right now is: Opportunity and freedom and love.
*currently my favorite song is: "Just the Girl" by Click Five.
*if i could visit one country it would be: France, again. England for new.
*the three things that make me the happiest are: My music, the people I love, and realizing and taking advantage of the opportunity to live.
*if i could have one thing right now it would be: A lifetime back in France with Guy. And since that'd never happen, a confession from Zach. Oh wait, that'll never happen either.
*what i do when im all alone: Dance around my house with the music turned up incredibly loud. Sometimes cry. Watch TV, be on the computer, sing, cook, relax.
*my favorite drink in the summer: Starbucks frappuccinos.
*what i'd do if i lived in iraq: Move. And cry every day until I could.
*the best thing that i did yesterday: Have so much incredible fun with Hillary at the HR2005.
.....:::::::::SUMMER SURVEY::::::.......
*my favorite thing to do in the summer: Have all-day fun with friends.
*if i could go to an exotic island right now, it would be: I'd go to Marco, but I don't know if that's exotic. Any kind of retreat would be nice, though.
*my favorite swimsuit looks like: I don't have a favorite swimsuit. I kind of hate them all right now. And have only swam like, twice this summer. That's so sad. Swimming used to be all I'd do in the summer, now I'm totally giving it up. Ugh.
*the three best ppl i like to hang out with in the summer: This summer it has been Zach, Hillary, and Wes. It really changes every summer depending on outside circumstances.
*at night in the summer, i like to: Go out and be stupid and have way too much fun with my friends. Laugh, attract attention, feel incredible.
*the thing i like best about summer is: I believe I've already answered this.
*the time i usually wake up in the summer: Noon or after.
*the worst things about summer: Losing touch with reality, thinking things are more significant than they'll actually be in three months, feeling so good yet knowing it won't last forever, almost dying from hot temps.
*if i could change one thing about summer: I don't know. It's a crazy thing, but it probably wouldn't retain all of its good qualities if you changed some of the bad ones.
*my favorite drink in the summertime: Answered.
*my favorite camp, etc. in the summer: Don't have one.
*the person or ppl that i can normally see in the summer: There's no one I really normally see besides the people I live with because it changes from year to year.
*the thing(s) that i know its summertime: Hotter weather, skimpier clothing, sleeping late, staying out late, doing nothing during the days.
............::::::::::THIS OR THAT SURVEY::::::::::..........
*flipflops of sandals: Flipflops, bitches. Ain't nothing like a flip flop, baby.
*smoothie or lemonade: Smoothie. Smooooth.
*sleeping in and staying out late or getting up early and staying out late: Sleeping in and staying out late, duh.
*extra® gum or orbit® gum: Orbit.
*iPod or MP3: Ipod, though I've asked before, aren't they the same thing?
*lava lamp or disco ball: Hmm ... disco ball.
*Barney or Pooh: Pooh. Barney is weeeeeird.
*Chalk or Dry erase marker: Dry erase.
*cell phone or telephone: Cell.
*yahoo or aim: AIM.
*wild or coy: Coy.
*leader or follower: Follower.
*tanning or burning w/ suntan lotion: Obviously not the burning geeze.
*china or japan: China.
*heinz™ ketchup or hunts™ ketchup: Heinz.
*google or ask jeeves: Google. Are you kidding? Does anyone say, oh, I have to go "ask jeeves" myself? NO.
*globe or map: Map. Globes just aren't all that useful to me. They're a nifty little toy, but I don't think they're all that useful for map-age.
*1 piece swimsuit or 2 piece: Two-piece. It's so much more convenient.
*boomerang or frisbee: Frisbee. Boomerangs are too complicated.
*crest® toothpaste or colgate®: Colgate. Total.
*baked chips or greasy chips: Baked chips.
*degrassi or unfabulous: Haven't watched either.
*innie or outie: Innie.
......::::::::::DID YOU EVER...SURVEY:::::::::.....
*sort mnm's by their color and eat all of one color at once: It's M&Ms, by the way, and not officially.
*play foozeball in the middle of the night: Nope. I don't like that whole losing possibility that comes with games.
*forget to brush your teeth: Yes, and it's gross.
*save an animal from dying: I hope so, if in small roundabout ways.
*kill a tree: And I hope not.
*help the elderly: Yes.
*get ripped off: Yes.
*put too much perfume on: Probably.
*wear a tutu: Nope, which isn't to say that I wouldn't.
*punch somebody: Nope.
*pretend to like someone you hate: Yes, all the fucking time and it really gets on my nerves.
*get scared by your own costume on Halloween: Heh, no.
*burn your tongue by eating pizza: Yes, hurts.
*read a book in less than 5 minutes: No.
*make a rubber band ball from scratch: No.
*drink a glass of water in less than 4 seconds: Maybe a really small glass ...
*buy flowers for someone you love: Yes.
*recite all of the state capitols in front of the class: Capitals, darling, and yeah probably throughout the different times I did it.
*forget to do your homework and have somebody do it for you: Sort of ... I had someone copy the answers out of an answer book instead of me doing it because I was driving.
*liked a color of a pen so you bought it: Yes.
bold the the answer that best fits you!
What do you generally do when you get home from school?
1. sit in front of the t.v. and eat your favorite snack
2. grab a snack and go on AIM or Yahoo and chat w/ friends
3. finish all your homework and maybe clean your room
4. go outside and walk your dog and wave to your neighbor
if you chose #2 are a very social person! ahhahahaa
(WHOA, that was dumb.)
...........::::::::THIS OR THAT:::::::........
*skittles or gummi worms: Gummi worms, hands down. That's such an easy decision. Seriously.
*reeses™ cups or reeses™ pieces: Cups. Mmmm.
*cocoa puffs or cocoa crisps: Crisps. I don't like puffy cereal.
*apple jacks or apple cinnamon cheerios: Apple cinnamon cheerios are the bomb.
*hersheys™ chocolate or catherine beich™ chocolate: Hersheys.
*teddy grahams™ or oreos: Oreos. Duh.
*1% chocoloate milk or 2% white milk: 1% chocolate. I don't like 2% white.
*juicy juice™ or hi C: I don't like either, but I used to like juicy juice.
*doritos® or fritos®: Doritos. Even though I don't allow myself to eat them anymore.
*candy or chocolate: Chocolate.
......::::::::::::ABOUT YOU SURVEY:::::::::......
*do you have a strong personality: I don't probably think so.
*if so, discribe yourself: Describe, describe.
*are you afraid to do hard work: No. That's one thing I respect about myself, I like and seek out challenges. At least, work-wise and academically.
*do you donate to charities: Yes, whenever I can.
*do you think you are kind to others: Yes.
*do you feel that you are liked in your community: Yes, mostly.
*when you grow up do you think you will have enough money to live anywhere: No, definitely not. I wish, but no.
*did you plant a tree this year: No ... aren't you supposed to do that every Earth Day?
*do you wish on shooting stars: Yes, whenever I can.
*did you ever jump in a puddle with rainboots on: Nope, don't own rainboots. But without the boots, yes.
*did you ever go skinny dipping: Nope.
*do you like dipin'dots ice cream: Oh lord, yes. Dippin, by the way. Spelling's not your strong suit.
*have you ever eaten a whole bag of chips by yourself: No. At least I don't think so.
*did you ever share a rasberry smoothie with a good friend: No. Should I have?
*have you ever caught a fish and then threw it back: Yes, all the time. Well, whenever I caught one I mean. I don't catch them all that often.
*have you ever caught a fish, skinned it alive and ate it: Ew, ew, ew. No.
*did you ever eat a whole bag of skittles in one bite: No, I don't like Skittles.
*did you ever lick your elbow: No, you can't.
*did you ever have spinach for dinner but fed it to your dog: No.
*did you ever make a mess and blame it on your pet: Yes. Oops.
*did your goldfish ever die and you blamed it on your cat: Not personally at least. Maybe the parents.
*did you ever not flush the toilet in a public restroom: Only if the flusher was broken.
*did you ever eat fastfood in a car and throw the junk out the window: No, litterbug!
*did you ever go to a national park and see someone shoot a bald eagle: No, and that's awful. Even though I think bald eagles are ugly animals that don't have much to do with patriotism, but oh well.
*were you ever in a car that hit a deer: No, although I almost did and felt so shaken up I made Tricia drive. It was scary. Downright.
*did you ever go on a train that later derailed: No, never been on a train. At least not a non-subway train.
*did you ever lie to your best friend: No.
*did you ever run through a sprinkler: Yes.
*did you ever swim at 3 o'clock in the morning: No.
*were you ever on a team and they lost because of you: No.
*did you ever pull a prank on your pet: No.
= luv it!
=its ok i guess
=hate it!
*American Eagle:
*Forver 21:
*Charlotte Russe:
*Old Navy:
.....:::::MY BASICS:::::::.....
*Name: Jessica.
*DOB: 7.15.
*Height: 5.3.
*Weight: I don't (want to) know.
*Pets: Lots o' cats. A dog.
*Best friend(s): Hillary, Tricia.
*Favorite holiday: Christmas. I like the spirit and festivities and weather surrounding it.
*Favorite color: Cerulean.
*Favorite month: December. With July a close second.
*Favorite food: Pizza.
*Favorite song: "Hallelujah" by Jeff Buckley.
*Favorite brand: AE.
*Best memory: I like a lot of my memories.
*Favorite band: The Beatles.
*Favorite flavor of gum: I don't like gum. But minty is nice.
*Favorite chocolate: White, actually, which was asked of me today oddly. Although I like all kinds.
*my favorite part of summer is: The laziness and relaxed-ness of it all -- the free time to do what you want and be who you are.
*i like sleeping in in the summertime: Uh, yes. I very much so like sleeping a lot in the summertime ... it's something I enjoy that I don't get to do a lot of during the year, so being able to not ever feel tired or crabby is entirely ideal. Although occasionally I feel like I'm wasting away my time, so I scale back the sleeping a bit.
*i live on ice cream & popsicles in the summer: Not too much. Ice cream, maybe somewhat. Popsicles ... have I even had any? I'm thinking no.
*my favorite part of summer is getting a tan: No, I'm a pale, pale girl, and I like it that way.
*i am CRAZY in the summer: Yes, to an extent. I have no responsibilities in the summer, so I'm about as crazy as I'm gonna get.
*i visited another state this summer: Yep, went to NY for summer orientation.
*i visited another country this summer: Nope, although if someone had offered, I'd probably have jumped at the chance. Plus, if I had my way, I'd have been in France the whole time. No kidding.
*i saw someone i normally don't see in the summer today: Not really ... just family members and Hillary.
.....:::::::::RANDOM SURVEY::::::::::......
B O L D all that apply:
I sleep on the right side of the bed
I sleep on the left side of the bed
cheese is my favorite part of the pizza
the crust is my favorite part of the pizza
my sibling snores
i take a shower in the morning
i take a shower at night
my dog drools
my cat has hairballs often
I eat cereal for breakfast
I love school
I hate school
I usually get a good night sleep
I go to bed as late as i can
My friends are the best ever
I love my room
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are my life
what I'd call the best day ever is going fishing with my grandpa
all of my relatives are looney
I don't understand normal people
I wish I could fly
I live on the computer
I read in all my spare time
Harry Potter books rule!
my sibling has mental problems
I love to play in the mud
My room: the messier the better
My room: the cleaner the better
I hate tacos cuz they're messy.
I wore these underwear yesterday.
I have pet a sting ray.
My dog has fleas.
My best friend laughs obnoxiously.
........:::::::::RANDOM SURVEY::::::::.....
*three things that best describes me: My Ipod, my laptop, and my room. If you have those three things to explore, you could probably get a 99% accurate reflection of me.
*the best thing in my life right now is: Opportunity and freedom and love.
*currently my favorite song is: "Just the Girl" by Click Five.
*if i could visit one country it would be: France, again. England for new.
*the three things that make me the happiest are: My music, the people I love, and realizing and taking advantage of the opportunity to live.
*if i could have one thing right now it would be: A lifetime back in France with Guy. And since that'd never happen, a confession from Zach. Oh wait, that'll never happen either.
*what i do when im all alone: Dance around my house with the music turned up incredibly loud. Sometimes cry. Watch TV, be on the computer, sing, cook, relax.
*my favorite drink in the summer: Starbucks frappuccinos.
*what i'd do if i lived in iraq: Move. And cry every day until I could.
*the best thing that i did yesterday: Have so much incredible fun with Hillary at the HR2005.
.....:::::::::SUMMER SURVEY::::::.......
*my favorite thing to do in the summer: Have all-day fun with friends.
*if i could go to an exotic island right now, it would be: I'd go to Marco, but I don't know if that's exotic. Any kind of retreat would be nice, though.
*my favorite swimsuit looks like: I don't have a favorite swimsuit. I kind of hate them all right now. And have only swam like, twice this summer. That's so sad. Swimming used to be all I'd do in the summer, now I'm totally giving it up. Ugh.
*the three best ppl i like to hang out with in the summer: This summer it has been Zach, Hillary, and Wes. It really changes every summer depending on outside circumstances.
*at night in the summer, i like to: Go out and be stupid and have way too much fun with my friends. Laugh, attract attention, feel incredible.
*the thing i like best about summer is: I believe I've already answered this.
*the time i usually wake up in the summer: Noon or after.
*the worst things about summer: Losing touch with reality, thinking things are more significant than they'll actually be in three months, feeling so good yet knowing it won't last forever, almost dying from hot temps.
*if i could change one thing about summer: I don't know. It's a crazy thing, but it probably wouldn't retain all of its good qualities if you changed some of the bad ones.
*my favorite drink in the summertime: Answered.
*my favorite camp, etc. in the summer: Don't have one.
*the person or ppl that i can normally see in the summer: There's no one I really normally see besides the people I live with because it changes from year to year.
*the thing(s) that i know its summertime: Hotter weather, skimpier clothing, sleeping late, staying out late, doing nothing during the days.
............::::::::::THIS OR THAT SURVEY::::::::::..........
*flipflops of sandals: Flipflops, bitches. Ain't nothing like a flip flop, baby.
*smoothie or lemonade: Smoothie. Smooooth.
*sleeping in and staying out late or getting up early and staying out late: Sleeping in and staying out late, duh.
*extra® gum or orbit® gum: Orbit.
*iPod or MP3: Ipod, though I've asked before, aren't they the same thing?
*lava lamp or disco ball: Hmm ... disco ball.
*Barney or Pooh: Pooh. Barney is weeeeeird.
*Chalk or Dry erase marker: Dry erase.
*cell phone or telephone: Cell.
*yahoo or aim: AIM.
*wild or coy: Coy.
*leader or follower: Follower.
*tanning or burning w/ suntan lotion: Obviously not the burning geeze.
*china or japan: China.
*heinz™ ketchup or hunts™ ketchup: Heinz.
*google or ask jeeves: Google. Are you kidding? Does anyone say, oh, I have to go "ask jeeves" myself? NO.
*globe or map: Map. Globes just aren't all that useful to me. They're a nifty little toy, but I don't think they're all that useful for map-age.
*1 piece swimsuit or 2 piece: Two-piece. It's so much more convenient.
*boomerang or frisbee: Frisbee. Boomerangs are too complicated.
*crest® toothpaste or colgate®: Colgate. Total.
*baked chips or greasy chips: Baked chips.
*degrassi or unfabulous: Haven't watched either.
*innie or outie: Innie.
......::::::::::DID YOU EVER...SURVEY:::::::::.....
*sort mnm's by their color and eat all of one color at once: It's M&Ms, by the way, and not officially.
*play foozeball in the middle of the night: Nope. I don't like that whole losing possibility that comes with games.
*forget to brush your teeth: Yes, and it's gross.
*save an animal from dying: I hope so, if in small roundabout ways.
*kill a tree: And I hope not.
*help the elderly: Yes.
*get ripped off: Yes.
*put too much perfume on: Probably.
*wear a tutu: Nope, which isn't to say that I wouldn't.
*punch somebody: Nope.
*pretend to like someone you hate: Yes, all the fucking time and it really gets on my nerves.
*get scared by your own costume on Halloween: Heh, no.
*burn your tongue by eating pizza: Yes, hurts.
*read a book in less than 5 minutes: No.
*make a rubber band ball from scratch: No.
*drink a glass of water in less than 4 seconds: Maybe a really small glass ...
*buy flowers for someone you love: Yes.
*recite all of the state capitols in front of the class: Capitals, darling, and yeah probably throughout the different times I did it.
*forget to do your homework and have somebody do it for you: Sort of ... I had someone copy the answers out of an answer book instead of me doing it because I was driving.
*liked a color of a pen so you bought it: Yes.
bold the the answer that best fits you!
What do you generally do when you get home from school?
1. sit in front of the t.v. and eat your favorite snack
2. grab a snack and go on AIM or Yahoo and chat w/ friends
3. finish all your homework and maybe clean your room
4. go outside and walk your dog and wave to your neighbor
if you chose #2 are a very social person! ahhahahaa
(WHOA, that was dumb.)
...........::::::::THIS OR THAT:::::::........
*skittles or gummi worms: Gummi worms, hands down. That's such an easy decision. Seriously.
*reeses™ cups or reeses™ pieces: Cups. Mmmm.
*cocoa puffs or cocoa crisps: Crisps. I don't like puffy cereal.
*apple jacks or apple cinnamon cheerios: Apple cinnamon cheerios are the bomb.
*hersheys™ chocolate or catherine beich™ chocolate: Hersheys.
*teddy grahams™ or oreos: Oreos. Duh.
*1% chocoloate milk or 2% white milk: 1% chocolate. I don't like 2% white.
*juicy juice™ or hi C: I don't like either, but I used to like juicy juice.
*doritos® or fritos®: Doritos. Even though I don't allow myself to eat them anymore.
*candy or chocolate: Chocolate.
......::::::::::::ABOUT YOU SURVEY:::::::::......
*do you have a strong personality: I don't probably think so.
*if so, discribe yourself: Describe, describe.
*are you afraid to do hard work: No. That's one thing I respect about myself, I like and seek out challenges. At least, work-wise and academically.
*do you donate to charities: Yes, whenever I can.
*do you think you are kind to others: Yes.
*do you feel that you are liked in your community: Yes, mostly.
*when you grow up do you think you will have enough money to live anywhere: No, definitely not. I wish, but no.
*did you plant a tree this year: No ... aren't you supposed to do that every Earth Day?
*do you wish on shooting stars: Yes, whenever I can.
*did you ever jump in a puddle with rainboots on: Nope, don't own rainboots. But without the boots, yes.
*did you ever go skinny dipping: Nope.
*do you like dipin'dots ice cream: Oh lord, yes. Dippin, by the way. Spelling's not your strong suit.
*have you ever eaten a whole bag of chips by yourself: No. At least I don't think so.
*did you ever share a rasberry smoothie with a good friend: No. Should I have?
*have you ever caught a fish and then threw it back: Yes, all the time. Well, whenever I caught one I mean. I don't catch them all that often.
*have you ever caught a fish, skinned it alive and ate it: Ew, ew, ew. No.
*did you ever eat a whole bag of skittles in one bite: No, I don't like Skittles.
*did you ever lick your elbow: No, you can't.
*did you ever have spinach for dinner but fed it to your dog: No.
*did you ever make a mess and blame it on your pet: Yes. Oops.
*did your goldfish ever die and you blamed it on your cat: Not personally at least. Maybe the parents.
*did you ever not flush the toilet in a public restroom: Only if the flusher was broken.
*did you ever eat fastfood in a car and throw the junk out the window: No, litterbug!
*did you ever go to a national park and see someone shoot a bald eagle: No, and that's awful. Even though I think bald eagles are ugly animals that don't have much to do with patriotism, but oh well.
*were you ever in a car that hit a deer: No, although I almost did and felt so shaken up I made Tricia drive. It was scary. Downright.
*did you ever go on a train that later derailed: No, never been on a train. At least not a non-subway train.
*did you ever lie to your best friend: No.
*did you ever run through a sprinkler: Yes.
*did you ever swim at 3 o'clock in the morning: No.
*were you ever on a team and they lost because of you: No.
*did you ever pull a prank on your pet: No.
= luv it!
=its ok i guess
=hate it!
*American Eagle:
*Forver 21:
*Charlotte Russe:
*Old Navy:
.....:::::MY BASICS:::::::.....
*Name: Jessica.
*DOB: 7.15.
*Height: 5.3.
*Weight: I don't (want to) know.
*Pets: Lots o' cats. A dog.
*Best friend(s): Hillary, Tricia.
*Favorite holiday: Christmas. I like the spirit and festivities and weather surrounding it.
*Favorite color: Cerulean.
*Favorite month: December. With July a close second.
*Favorite food: Pizza.
*Favorite song: "Hallelujah" by Jeff Buckley.
*Favorite brand: AE.
*Best memory: I like a lot of my memories.
*Favorite band: The Beatles.
*Favorite flavor of gum: I don't like gum. But minty is nice.
*Favorite chocolate: White, actually, which was asked of me today oddly. Although I like all kinds.
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