Ultimate Survey (377 questions long) |
Created by illusen and taken 43563 times on bzoink! |
time started | 9.29 pm. |
full name | Jessica Nicole Rea. |
nickname(s) | J.Rea, JR, Ressica J, Jessie |
birthday | July 15th. IN FIVE DAYS. |
where were you born | Naples, FL. |
zodiac sign | Cancer. |
height | 5'3". |
weight | Soyez poli, maintenant. Mon Dieu. |
hair color | Blonde. |
eye color | Green. |
shoe size | 8.5. |
ring size | 8? I have no clue. |
skin type (freckles, tan, albino, etc.) | I am quite pale. I have some freckles when I go out into the sun. |
blood type | AB negative? AB something? |
grade | Freshman in college. ("What grade are you in?" "Uh, I'll be a freshman in college." "Oh, that's cool. I was that. For a semester. I'm going back soon." HA.) |
GPA | 4.71 was what it *was*. I'm just hoping to keep it above a 3.6 so I can stay in the Honors Program. I'm definitely striving for a 4.0, but I can't assume anything. |
siblings | Jenny, age 11. |
tattoos | None. At least not now. |
piercings | My ears twice each. |
hobbies | I hate this question. I read, I play the clarinet occasionally, I hang out with friends, I puddle around on the Internet, I like interacting with my pets ... blah. |
favorite |
color | Green. Cerulean if you're my favorite. =) |
food | I really really like pizza. Though the bottom of a cake cone with ice cream in it is the singular best eating experience ever. And bread, mmm bread. And ice cream. |
candy | I don't eat much candy ... I like chocolate. |
type of cheese | I've been on a Swiss kick lately, though I like most cheeses. |
pizza topping | Cheese only, please. And not extra cheese either. Just cheese. |
salad dressing | I like French, Sweet & Sour, Honey Mustard. The occasional Italian or Caesar. |
sandwich | I don't really like sandwiches ... I like a good cheese sandwich ... |
cereal | Right now it's Shredded Wheat, but I really like that stupid Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds. |
fruit | I like bananas. And cherries and strawberries. Mmm. |
vegetable | I like carrots, but I get so sick of them. |
berry | Straw-berry? |
cake | Vanilla. Or Yellow with chocolate icing. Mmm. |
book | Um ... I don't know. I like a lot of books, but I don't have a favorite yet. |
movie | Garden State! Holy F, I just found out that I love it. |
magazine | I just found out that I love Radar and Jane. |
newspaper | I don't have a favorite ... I can find good and bad parts about them all. I enjoy sitting down with a newspaper and perusing. |
tv show | Do I have a favorite? I don't know ... it's the summer. |
website | I like Go Fug Yourself. Quite funny. Although Post Secret is good, too. |
radio station | I like lots ... but I rely on CDs mostly in the car. I like one with a good mix of songs. |
font | I don't have a favorite ... I switch around a lot ... nothing too fancy. |
cartoon character | I don't have one ... |
artist (painter) | Renoir. Hands down. LOVE it. |
actor | Johnny Depp. Dustin Hoffman. |
actress | Nicole Kidman. Natalie Portman. |
cd | I don't have a single favorite ... that'd be way hard for me to pick. Music is the biggest deal for me. |
song | Again, too hard to pick. It varies ... right now it's "J'ai Deux Amours." |
music group | See two above. |
music type | I've thought about this a lot lately ... I appreciate a great pop/rock song, so that's probably my *favorite*, even though I'm all over the place. |
day of the week | I like Tuesdays for their inconspicuous importance (the "idle Tuesday"), and Fridays because DUH. |
month | December. The weather, the holidays, the snow, the spirit. |
season | I like them all, really. Spring, I guess, for regrowth. |
holiday | Christmas. |
shampoo | Do I have a favorite? I like using new shampoos all the time. |
conditioner | Nexxus is the only one I really use, and I use it sparingly and only leave-in. |
number | Four. |
phrase | "Bitches." Hands down. |
store | Ummm ... I like H&M for clothes, when I can actually find myself in the same area as one. I love good shoe stores, and dress shopping is the best! |
weather | I like snow. But I also like really great sunny days. And a good storm is good, too, but only if you have the time and moodiness to appreciate it. =) |
restaurant | I'm not sure I have a favorite. Probably Spaghetti Warehouse, though I'd hardly let myself eat there anymore, geeze. |
channel | I like MTV, lord help me. I have a thing for Bravo, too, when they're not playing movies. And VH1 is pretty good. And FoodNetwork for when nothing else is on. Ha. |
teacher | I've really loved so many ... Probably Mr. Buckingham for his subtle guidance, and I came out of that class with a crazy understanding of myself & growth I didn'tknowoccurred. |
weekend activity | Running around like crazy with all of my friends. Having a good time. Relaxing. Not having to do anything. |
hangout | Steak and Shake. It's the ultimate. |
house color | I like a good white. Maybe a yellow-ish? |
sport to watch | Football. |
sport to play | I don't enjoy sports all that much ... it's a weirdness for me to do something at which I know I'm not all that good. |
animal | I like pelicans. |
flower | I really like roses, but I like irises and crocuses too. |
guy's name | Patrick, Casey, Andrew. |
girl's name | I like my name. Does that make me egotistical? |
board game | Sorry! It's a family classic. |
party game | Twister. Grrreat icebreaker and it gets the adrenaline going. |
story from childhood | I don't know that I have one. |
body part | I like the gracefulness of arms and legs ... |
have you ever |
been on a train | A *subway* train. |
been on a plane | Yes, lots of times. Most recently nine days ago. |
been in a car accident | Not a serious one. |
caused a car accident | Not a serious one. |
run into a wall | Nope. |
burned a potato chip | Ha, no. Now I want to take a lighter to a potato chip and see if anything happens ... |
almost burned the house down | No. |
smoked | No. |
been drunk | No. |
been high | No. |
broken the law | Yes. Stupid laws! I know we can't be a lawless society, but I think we take it too far sometimes. |
burned a cd (if yes, the one above is yes) | Yes. Wow, antipiracy much? What are you, a music producer? |
kissed someone of the opposite sex | Yes. |
kissed someone of the same sex | No. |
frenched an animal | No. |
made out | Yes. |
had cyber sex | No. |
gotten engaged | No. |
had an online relationship | No. |
been rejected by a crush | No. I don't put myself up for it. |
loved | Yes. |
made yourself cry to get out of trouble | No. |
cried in public | Yes. |
cried over a movie | Yes. |
fallen asleep in a movie theater | Yes. Napoleon Dynamite, bitches! I was *tired*! |
given someone a bath | No. |
been to a boarding school | No. |
been home-schooled | No. |
lost a valuable item | Yes. |
bungee jumped | No. |
skied | No ... Skied? |
met the president | No. I wouldn't want to at the present time. |
met a celebrity | Yes. |
gotten a cavity | Yes. Damn dentist. |
shopped at abercrombie & fitch | Yes. Like, twice, and in middle school. |
made a prank call | Yes. In middle school. |
skipped school | Yes. |
faked sick to get out of school | No. |
purchased something that you knew didn't fit | Yes. |
climbed a tree | Yes. |
fallen from a tree | Yes. |
broken a bone | Yes. |
sprained anything | No. |
passed out | No, but almost quite a few times. |
made yourself pass out | No. |
been to disney world | Yes. |
been to a theme park (not disney) | Yes. |
said i love you and meant it (not to a relative) | Yes, to a friend. |
made a model volcano (working model) | Yes. |
made a clover leaf with your tounge | No. |
past |
what did you do yesterday | I sat around the house, exercised, got on the Internet, watched TV ... |
memory you miss the most | Comfort of high school days. |
memory you want to forget | Nothing. It's all useful. |
something you regretted after it was done | Mike, in a way. |
the last |
song you heard | Bend and Break, Keane. |
cd you bought | Hot Fuss, The Killers. |
thing you said | Nope, cherries. (Dad thought they were big grapes.) |
time you cried | A few days ago when I watched Garden State. |
movie seen in a theater | Dude, I can't even remember, it's been so long. |
thing you ate | I'm eating baguette right now. AND I SHOULDN'T BE! |
person who called | Zach. |
nail polish shade worn | Red for prom. |
time you showered | This afternoon around ... 2. |
person who complimented you | Tricia, said my eyes were good for the evil stare. HA. |
at this moment |
what are you listening to | The Andy Milonakis Show. |
what are you wearing | Jeans, a navy blue t-shirt, no shoes. |
what are you thinking | That I shouldn't be eating, that I like someone and don't care what others think, that I need to tell Tricia that ... and maybe him too at some point. |
what are you scared of most | Not being able to love and be compassionate and know people in a way that's comfortable. |
how many people are on your buddy list | 137 buddies. more families ... |
future |
occupation | I have no f-ing clue now that I'm not pre-med. Teacher? World traveler? I have no clue, and it bothers me. |
marriage site | I don't know, somewhere beautiful and meaningful. |
honeymoon | See above. And add relaxing. |
place to live | New York in a few months. Beyond that, questionable. |
kids | I'm thinking either one, or like eight. |
car | Corvette if I'm lucky. Ha, with a teaching job? No f-ing way. Suckage. |
what are you doing tomorrow | Hopefully going to the movies with Zach and Wes. And Starbucks. If not, nothing I'm sure. |
do you think george bush will be reelected | He was. And after a few years, THANK GOODNESS HE CAN'T BE REELECTED AGAIN. |
will there be a wwIII | If we don't change some significant things, yes. |
will politics ever be truthful | No. It's not their nature. |
will humanity snuff itself out | Yes, I think that will eventually happen. Either by ourselves or by our fate. |
can the gov. be changed | Yes, with enough passion and dedication. |
friends |
best friend | Tricia. |
funniest | All my friends are funny. |
silliest | Hillary, but in a good way. |
loudest | Not too many. |
quietest | Not too many. |
craziest | I |
calmest | really |
skinniest | hate |
best secret keeper | these |
worst secret keeper | questions. |
the one you have but don't want | I |
smartest | mean |
preppiest | *really* |
peppiest | really |
most hyper | hardcore |
hottest | . |
weirdest | Something |
biggest pervert | fierce |
most annyoing | even. |
shyest | I'd |
most religious | say. |
do you believe in |
heaven | I like to think so, at least on my less cynical days. |
hell | See above. Perhaps less so than heaven. To me, it'd almost suck more to know you're not going to heaven, your soul's existence just stops instead. |
angels | See "heaven." |
devil | See "hell." |
god | See "heaven." |
buddha | I don't know ... I like Buddhism, and I follow a lot of the principles, but I wouldn't call myself a Buddhist. |
aliens | Maybe ... to me it seems outrageous that we're the only ones in an entire universe, but I don't think they're necessarily just like us. |
ghosts | I think there's a possibility souls stay here to finish unfinished buisness. |
spirit (soul) | Yes, most definitely. |
soulmates | I'd like to. Definitely. |
reincarnation | Possibly. |
love at first sight | Yeah, I think I do now. I used to think it was ridiculous, but I had an experience where I just *knew* this person was life-changing for me. And he was. |
karma | Yes, definitely. What you give out definitely comes back, and changes who you are, too. There's a balance of things. |
love in general | Yes. What kind of hard-hearted person doesn't believe in love? Love is definitely the key thing in life, it's what bonds us all, what keeps the world going. |
luck | Definitely. I'm 100% Irish, geeze. =) |
yourself | Yes, I believe there is great power within myself, I just have to have the courage and power to access and use it to the most. |
crush |
who and when was your first crush | Devin, in kindergarten. |
any now | Yeah, sorta. Well, yeah. |
a celebrity crush | Of course. Always and well, always. |
who do you want to be with right now | Oh, shut up. |
whos number do you want | Ha, that's okay. I wouldn't utilize any that I don't already have anyway. |
who do you want to kiss | Oh geeze. (Not to say that I don't have a definite answer.) |
what is something you dont understand about the opposite sex | Why they can't just read our minds and be forward!!! GEEZE. |
if you could go on a date with anybody, who would it be | The same person I want to kiss, thankyou. |
on scale of one to ten, how romantic are you | Nine? I'd say pretty romantic. In the right relationship, it'd go above ten. |
first thing noticed about the opposite sex | Hair, height/body type, or voice/body language. |
what do you look for personality-wise | Someone who is kind, who can make me laugh, who cares about things and people, who's passionate, who loves. |
biggest turn on | Humor, sexy hair, accents. |
biggest turn off | Ignorance, stupidity, D&D. |
something thay weat that turns you on | Typos much? |
something they wear that turns you off | The ghetto style is not hot to me. Big, low pants, huge t-shirts, shoes with upped tongues, bandanas, etc. |
the most romantic thing you want to happen to you | Oh lord, the possibilities are endless. |
the most romantic thing that has happened to you | Kissing and cuddling at the park while watching the sunset. |
what do you wear on a coffee date | Dark jeans, nice shirt, flip flops. Heels if I really wanna impress. |
is it right to flirt if you're taken | In a way, but mostly not. It starts and implies things that shouldn't be going on in a relationship. |
is cyber cheating | You shouldn't be doing it. |
are eyes the passegeway to the soul | In a way, yes. You can usually tell what people are *really* thinking by their eyes. |
who would you like to take to the prom | I don't have any more proms. |
do you want to hug somebody right now | Yeah. I always like hugs. |
do you know what an aphrodisiac is | Yes, though I recently read they don't really exist. |
describe |
mellow | Laid-back. |
melancholy | Sad. |
the perfect date | With the perfect person, it wouldn't matter. |
the perfect mate | A lot of things go into that, some I don't even know I need right now. |
how m&m's are made | I don't know. |
why manhole covers are round | So you don't have to worry about how the lid goes on, for quick removal/replacement. |
one or the other |
coke/pepsi | Coke. But I don't drink pop. But back when I did, Pepsi was way too syrupy for me. |
sprite/7-up | 7-up. Sprite made my nose wrinkle up from the carbonation. |
boxers/briefs | Boxers, I guess. |
gold/silver | Gold. |
vanilla/chocolate | Vanilla. |
flowers/candy | Flowers. |
book/magazine | Book. |
tv/radio | TV. |
glass half empty/half full | Half empty. |
democrat/republican | Democrat. |
colored pencils/markers | Colored pencils. |
coffee/tea | Coffee. |
sun/moon | Moon. |
day/night | Day. |
hot/cold | Cold. |
dog/cat | Dog. |
button/zipper | Button. |
cotton/feather pillow | Feather. |
blue/purple | Purple. |
plumber/trashman | Plumber. |
jeans/shorts | Jeans. |
long distance relationship/none | Long distance. |
mechanical/regular pencil | Mechanical. |
matt/ben | Matt. |
that 70's show/simpsons | Simpsons. |
kelso/eric | Eric. |
donna/jackie | Donna. |
bart/lisa | Lisa. |
romeo/juliet | Romeo. |
romantic comedy/thriller | Romantic comedy. |
nsync/bsb | Nsync. |
peanut butter/jelly | Peanut butter. |
waffles/pancakes | Pancakes. |
letter/email | Letter. |
florida/california | Florida. |
pizza/burgers | Pizza. |
hat/visor | Hat. |
football/rugby | Football. Though rugby players are HOTTTTTT. Seriously. |
iceskating/blading | Iceskating. |
movie at home/in theater | Theater. Unless it's at home on the couch cuddling with someone, then at home. |
first thing you think of when you hear |
yellow | Big Bird. |
red lipstick | On the teeth. |
socks | Darning socks. |
cowtipping | Cowpies. |
moulin rouge | Ewan McGregor. |
greenland | Iceland. |
iceland | Greenland. |
harry potter | Azkaban. |
red | Red wine. |
blackberry | Pie. |
rose | Sweet. |
rooster | Crow. |
taxes | Bad. |
bill clinton | Good president. |
whipped cream | Naughty. |
george w. bush | Sucks. |
lollipops | Suck. Heh. |
dreams | Good. |
love | Elusive. |
guys | should be more impulsive. |
south park | Funny. |
boy bands | Awesome. |
pengiuns | Can't fly. |
girls | Girlyness. |
thong | Sisqo. |
death | Ending. |
spoons | Game! |
junk mail | Sucks. |
dairy | Queen. |
panties | Raid. |
your father | No, *yours*. |
pizza | Yummy. |
britney spears | Ho. |
vitamin | B. |
are you |
happy | Yes. |
sad | No, not really. |
religious | No. |
bitchy | I can be. |
crazy | Yes, always. |
messy | Yes, always. |
mad | No. |
slacker | Yes. |
nerd | Yes. |
bookworm | I would be if I had more dedication and time. |
jock | No. |
preppy | No. |
selfish | Yes. |
giving | Yes. |
obsessive | Yes. |
violent | No. |
calm | Yes. |
peaceful | Yes. |
mellow | Yes. |
eccentric | Yes. |
caring | Yes. |
untrustworthy | No. |
loyal | Yes. |
patriotic | Not really. |
perverted | Around certain people. |
colorful | No. |
artistic | Somewhat. |
miscellanoues |
what color is your jacket | Light blue. |
do you shave | My legs and underarms. |
where | Oops. |
what color is your razor | Pink. |
what size is your bed | A twin. |
what color crayon would you be | Cerulean. HANDS DOWN, BITCHES!!! |
what are the last four digits of you phone number | 0321. No kidding. |
feelings on abortion | It's the woman's choice. I wouldn't choose it, but it should be mine to choose. |
how lond does it take you to shower | About fifteen minutes. |
what does your screenname mean | It means nothing ... it's what AOL suggested for me when I was 8 and first started the Internet. And I've had it ever since. |
thoughts on blonde pop stars in general | It's fine to me ... I like the pop songs, keep 'em comin'! |
who so you trust the most | Tricia. |
is cussing a necessity in life | No, it's not a *necessity*, but it sure helps sometimes. |
how about coffee | See above. |
is the world screwed | No, not to the point of not being unscrewed by a lot of compassion and work. |
what something you cant live without | Water. I'm pretty screwed without that. And some sort of sanity moment where I can be myself and just *think*. |
what time did you fall asleep | Last night? Sometime around midnight, I think. Or 11.45ish? I don't know. I'd been in bed since 8. |
know what 69 means | Yes, geeze. |
how about 143 | Isn't that I Love You? |
can you live without a microwave | Yes. In fact I do most every day. |
what do think about death | I'd like to think it's not the ultimate end, but it is certainly a large goodbye. |
where and when do you want to be married | I don't know, when I'm ready and somewhere that matters to me then. |
do you want to drop out of school | No, I'm good. |
why is the sky blue | Because it is. |
what is a good trait about yourself | I genuinely care about people. |
what do you always think about | Everything. I'm always thinking. |
what is wrong with your school | About NYU? I don't know yet ... haven't been there long enough. |
what is right with your school | A lot of things. Opportunities? People that are sweet? |
how do you react to change | Not all that well sometimes. I'm resistant, definitely. |
do you talk to yourself | Yeah, but not a lot. And not in a crazy way. |
what is your opinion on love | I think I've expounded on that enough already. |
can you afford to lose weight | Ch, yeah. Always. |
what color would you dye your hair | Perhaps a strawberry blonde? Reddish brown if I felt like being crazy. |
best thing anyones told you | Live and love, every moment, and enjoy it all. It's all important. |
what is your reaction to someone telling you you're hot | "Ch, yeah right." And probably some blushing. |
does being psycho appeal to you | Not exactly. I mean, I guess there's some sort of appeal in not being responsible for your actions or thoughts, but mostly it's a no. |
if you wrote a book, what would it be about | I don't know ... I'd be scared to put myself out there like that in that way. In permanent print, for all to see and analyze. |
what would you change your name to | Dude, I heart my last name something fierce. I don't even want to change it for marriage. |
longest crush lasted how long | Oh man, let's see ... 2nd to 12th grade on and off, and 7th to still now on and off? I'll keep you posted ... |
tme finished | 11.37 pm. You suck! |
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